Five pillars to excellence
Driven by our strong social values, commitment to our team, and the communities in which we live and work, our five core pillars underpin the delivery of your service.
1. Mobilisation
Communication is key for both our clients and our people. We focus on the people involved in the process on both sides to ensure a seamless journey through change. A detailed Gantt chart for clients, a friendly face-to-face forum for new team members.
2. Management & Supervision
Although free & frank dialogue is always to be encouraged, a formal structure is also in place with each of our clients. The management structure required to best-deliver each contract is identified prior to start-up. Regular reviews form the backbone of our communication – both internally through the operations team and with each client. Our Timegate Workforce Management software and Atlas, our cloud-based Health, Safety, & Training system, provide 360 degree transparency – from service standards to high-level management information (MI).
3. Recruitment, Vetting & Training
We seek-out applicants whose values align with our own. Only after completing our interview, on-site assessment, and DBS check are we able to finally welcome new team members, with a friendly face-to-face induction, into the APP UK ‘family’. Through use of our online training portal, Atlas, all staff have access to a range of professional courses. We also support skill diversification by offering access to courses in BICSc, fork-lift operation, first aid, and so much more. An engaged, supported workforce delivers the best for our clients too.
4. Innovation
We are at the cutting edge of innovation and we bring the benefits to our clients by regularly auditing & evaluating requirements. This is the basis for our Evergreen Strategy. Some may drive cost-savings but often it is about delivering greater efficiencies, smarter working, more environmentally-friendly practices.
5. Service Delivery Excellence
The alliance between APP UK and our clients is based on understanding your organisation – your business, culture, people – and tailoring everything to you. Review of our service delivery is no different. Whether adopting a client’s existing SLA/KPI framework or implementing our own, the outcome is the same – we hold ourselves accountable to what we do, not what we say.
Registered Address:
Cardiff Cleaning Services Ltd, T/A APP UK, Suites 9 & 10, First Floor, Moy Road Business Centre, Moy Road, Taffs Well , Cardiff CF15 7QR
Registered in England & Wales No. 06136290 VAT No. 483975881
Tel: 02920 885435
A wholly owned subsidiary of registered charity, Platfform